Welcome to my Portfolio


Who am I?

My name is Ratneshwaran, or Ratnesh in short. I’m a student who is passionate about Medical Technology and Engineering. I have worked on multiple projects and love building things.

I’m an Entrepreneur running a Medtech company called Waran Group. We focus on building Assistive and Medical devices for our client’s needs. My main goal is to make healthcare more affordable and accessible through technology.

In addition, I have a personal mission to ensure everyone has equal rights. I especially believe in the cause of Mental Health. Hence, in high school, I started a youth-run nonprofit organisation called 40seconds that empowers people and works towards achieving my values. Currently, 40seconds has volunteers from over 19 countries and has produced projects and literary works in Rights and Mental Health. You can find more information at 40seconds.org.

Welcome to my portfolio!


We aim to build a future that enables good Mental Health and Rights for all. We are run by youth worldwide, united by the same vision to raise awareness, provide support, and reduce stigma. By working with our volunteers and partners, we are taking crucial steps to achieve our goals.

Waran Group

An assistive and medical technology company aimed to personalise healthcare and provide solutions. Our goal is to make healthcare more accessible and affordable through cutting-edge engineering and technology.

Open Source Assistive Devices (OPAD)

I’m the current president of OPAD, a medical and assistive technology/engineering society operating at The University of Nottingham. The society designs and manufactures bespoke assistive and medical devices for clients and the NHS UK. I oversee the management, development of projects, and societal affairs.



python simplified book cover

My first book on Python. It is a beginner’s guide to the language that is written uniquely and engagingly. There is a fiction story and theoretical knowledge of python with endless examples!


For enquires contact: ratneshwaran2003@gmail.com or just use the contact form below. If you want to say hi, I’m most available on Instagram :)